Tips for using your HVAC system to help control dust pollen for spring

Man spraying a a/c vent Spring is in the air here in Philadelphia and while this means the return of warmer weather, birds migrating back and flowers in bloom… It also means the return of allergy season. While the milder spring temperatures is a refreshing savings on the energy bill, many often forget that the heating and air-conditioning systems for your Philadelphia home is also a great way to filter the air as well. As allergens such as pet dander, dust mites, mold and insect droppings settle on furniture, floors and walls dusting only stirs these allergens making them airborne; but your heating and air-conditioning ventilation system can help remove them. Check out these useful spring cleaning tips from Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia to help make your home I haven from common allergens.

HVAC Spring Cleaning Tips

Your furnace and air-conditioning system draws air through the return vent which sends the air through a filter to be recirculated back to the home. Whether the unit is on heat, cool or fan the circulation of air remains the same with a central heat and air conditioning system. While there are other types of HVAC systems on the market that your home may, use this principle is by far the most popular and commonly used in Philadelphia homes. This system of filtration is what can help reduce those aggravating allergens that come into your home. As you get into spring cleaning, consider the spring cleaning of your heating and air-conditioning vent system as one of the first and best steps to help control mold in allergens in your Philadelphia home.

To help with this spring cleaning here are a few easy steps to help:

1. Use Higher Quality Filters

While fiberglass filters are cheap and recommended to be replaced every 30 days, they only capture large particles of dust. Microscopic particles blow easily through these filters and for those who suffer from allergies, they will be insufficient to help make your home allergen free. Choose a filter that uses a corrugated surface that effectively increases the surface area and has a tighter we’ve to capture more allergens. Also available are electrostatic filters that capture even more dust and allergens for your Philadelphia home.

Use caution to purchase the highest rated filter: Really thick and tight woven filters can actually reduce airflow through your heating and air-conditioning system in your Philadelphia home causing the blower to work harder, essentially causing your electric bill to go up. (Especially in older forced air furnace and air-conditioning systems) Home-improvement stores will have different rating levels with descriptions for the types of particles that they filter. When choosing filters do not choose based upon price but rather based upon function… A few extra dollars goes a long way towards healthier living.

NOTE: Some air conditioning and heater systems have filters that are not easily accessible. If this is the case for your home over you are unsure as how to replace your filter be sure to call Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia for a quick maintenance visit.



This Video “seen on This Old House” does a good job identifying the different types of filters available.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

Person cleaning HVAC vent - Furnace and A/C Repair in Philadelphia2. Clean the return and blower vents

Especially in high-traffic areas in your Philadelphia home where the return vent is located in the floor, the vent and vent cavity (which is the box that the filter sits in) can collect a lot of debris that is blown through your system – check out our article on cleaning your vents. In addition check the cavity for any signs of buildup such as mold or pollen spores which may be collecting in the corners.

3. When dusting, don’t forget the furniture

It’s easy to spot dust buildup on the coffee table, in tables, picture frames and counters; but many forget that the same build up is on your couch, chairs and carpet. When removing these allergens and dust in your Philadelphia home use a vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner or even go “old-school” and take an old tennis racket and hit the cushions; stirring and releasing the dust from the furniture so that it can be filtered.

4. Spring is a great time for an air-conditioning maintenance check-up

As the temperature starts to go up, the need for your air-conditioning system to function comes back into play. Before you crank up your air-conditioner make sure to give Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia a call to perform an air conditioning maintenance checkup and inspection. This inspection will not only look at the ductwork for your air-conditioning system but also all the different components that need to be working perfectly together so that you can get the best performance from your air-conditioning system. This will include the cleaning of the exterior condenser coils that are a commonplace for mold and mildew build up which can cause your air-conditioning unit to work harder. Daniels HVAC will also use its expertise in the large variety of air-conditioning systems to be able to give you best practice tips on how to get the most use out of your air-conditioning system.

Trust the experience that over 25 years in the industry can bring

Daniels HVAC has been serving the Philadelphia community for over 25 years providing high quality heating and air conditioning repair, maintenance and installation services. Our unique approach to customer service has made us a regular name in the Philadelphia community for quality and reliability in the services that we provide.

Because of this experience, we have access to parts and components that help keep your older systems running longer without the need for expensive replacement. Daniels HVAC will never recommend the replacement of the heating and air-conditioning unit unless the unit operation or repair costs exceed that of a new unit option. Be sure to check out why Daniels HVAC has been so successful over the last 25 years in the Philadelphia area.

Useful Links

Learn More about Air Conditioning Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

Common myths about saving money on your Philadelphia heating bill

Girl adjusting her thermostat - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaIt only takes a few minutes on the internet in Philadelphia to come across hundreds of energy-saving ideas and tips to save you money on your heating bill during the winter; however, while some of this advice might sound practical, they might actually not be saving any money…. but rather costing you! Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia has been serving our great city for over 25 years and we’ve heard quite a few of these myths as well. We’ve even tested a few of them! In this article were going to cover some of the more common myths associated with HVAC energy savings for heating your Philadelphia home.

Wrapping my windows with aluminum foil will help cut down on my heating bill.

So here is the myth: “By wrapping bubble wrap and framing with aluminum foil I can create a window insert that will keep my house warmer.”

Sounds good doesn’t it? So let’s look at what is going to take:

  • 3-5 boxes of aluminum foil = $9 – $15 @ Walmart
  • Wood for Framing – $45 – $100 @ Lowes Home Improvement
  • Hardware $35 – Lowes Home Improvement
  • Bubble Wrap – $18 – $50 – Staples
  • Shipping Tape = $22 – Walmart

This materials list is based upon an average size home with two windows per room.

Now that you spent over $200 and materials let’s examine what it does: BLOCKS THE SUN! That’s right; the one thing that’s needed to help keep your home’s temperature regulated without running the furnace as much… is sunlight.

The Truth: While having better insulation for your Philadelphia home is a good thing, blocking a major source of heat is not. I suspect if you remove them during the day and place them up at night you might see a small difference; but if your heating system is working properly, your windows and doors have been properly sealed (see our article on money-saving tips) the additional insulation on your windows would probably only give you a savings of around $15 per month. So for a savings of $70 – $90; it doesn’t quite make sense to spend $200 in materials.

Purchasing a furnace larger than my home’s need will save money on my heating bill.

So here is the myth: “Bigger furnaces don’t need to work as hard therefore it save you more money”. I’ve even heard some of my competitors out there telling customers this one…

The Truth: Forced air heating furnaces are only regulated in size because of the volume of air that needs to be heated. It is a balance between the heat produced and the blower used to force the air throughout the Philadelphia home; based upon the farthest distance away a vent is. The system design also takes into account the position of the ductwork and vents for proper convection to effectively heat the home.

Temperature is temperature. When the home cools below where the thermostat is set, the furnace kicks on. Regardless of the size of the furnace in your Philadelphia home; the furnace cannot prevent how quickly the home will cool down. Therefore; a large heater will kick on just as many times as the one that is meant for your home. Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia always recommends to replace your furnace with the one that is properly designed for the size of your home. This will give you all the benefits of a high energy efficiency furnace, as well as a system that will appropriately heat your home.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

heater - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaClosing off heating or blocking vents in rooms I’m not using will save on my heating bill.

So here is the myth: If I close the heating vents the furnace does not work as hard to heat the home.

This false myth in Philadelphia has been around as long as heating systems have.

The Truth: When a furnace detects a drop in temperature from the thermostat it activates the furnace. The furnace will then operate until the temperature, where the thermostat is, reaches the desired level. That’s it! Heating systems 101.

The only way that closing or blocking vents will make any difference whatsoever, is if those rooms or areas that you are closing off will not affect the overall temperature of the home… where the thermostat is. (meaning closing off those rooms as well) When a heating system is designed for your Philadelphia home it takes into account heating principles, such as convection and induction, to properly heat the home as quickly and as efficiently as possible. When you close or block vents you disrupt the principles that allow the heating system to work effectively.

Turning the thermostat up 10° will make my Philadelphia home heat faster.

So here is the myth: So when you come home and it seems that your homes a little cooler than you would like you crank the thermostat so that the furnace will run faster and heat your Philadelphia home up quicker.

The Truth: Your furnace doesn’t work that way. A furnace produces heat, it doesn’t produce it slow or fast. The blower in your Philadelphia home sends the air through the ductwork throughout the home. By raising the thermostat higher than necessary does not make the system work any quicker or harder than just setting the temperature to be the desired level.

Newer, more modern heating systems in Philadelphia have a variable speed blower that it is designed to work more efficiently when maintaining temperature; the principal still holds true for this style system that it does not work harder or any faster than normal to heat up your Philadelphia home based upon where the position of the thermostat is placed. (See our article on comfort levels) Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia does recommend using an energy smart thermostat that will allow you to preset the temperature to be regulated at different times during the day. (See our article on energy savings)

Don’t trust the myths, Trust the experts

Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia has been providing customers with high quality heating and air-conditioning services for over 25 years. When it comes to heater repair services Daniels HVAC has become known for presenting the facts, not the myths. Many of these myths are spread by large companies that use paid commission area salesman to convince customers to purchase more expensive systems. You will find Daniels HVAC has earned its reputation for honesty and integrity by being a straight shooter with his customers. If you need heater repair, heater maintenance, heater installation be sure to trust the experts; not the myths.

Useful Links

Learn More about Air Conditioning Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

What is needed to become a top quality HVAC service technician in Philadelphia?

HVAC contractor - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaSo you’re thinking about getting into the HVAC service industry? There’s more to it than just having rugged good looks and a great personality, it takes a dedicated mindset with a heart towards customer service before you ever crack a book open if you expect to succeed in this industry. According to Lincoln Tech, with over 8,000 HVAC jobs being added to this industry every year, competition can be brutal; but rewarding. To make it as long as Daniels HVAC has, serving the great residents of Philadelphia for over 25 years, it not only takes a recipe of dedication and knowledge to achieve the standards of the HVAC industry; you must be willing to set the standard.

In this article we will look at some of the industry standards that make up a well-rounded HVAC service technician as well as the key elements that has made Daniels HVAC well known to the citizens of Philadelphia.

There are a series of skills that are quite necessary for a successful HVAC service technician in Philadelphia. While some HVAC service technicians excel in certain areas, it is important to constantly push yourself to excel in all of these areas. With the HVAC industry continually changing with modern equipment, green energy solutions and high-end diagnostic equipment; only those HVAC service technicians that stay ahead of the game will be able to be successful.

HVAC Customer Service

Working with people is the first step of becoming a successful HVAC service technician. If you are not able to work with customers, exceed their expectations, understand their concerns and put yourself in their shoes; it will be very difficult to earn their trust and repeat business. Often times young HVAC service technicians like to talk above the customer, using technical terms that customers generally do not understand.

While this practice is common, it does not build a good rapport with the customer. An HVAC service technician is the expert; part of your job is to explain the process in such a way that your customer will FEEL like an expert too. This level of customer service builds a level of trust and understanding that will make you the first phone call that your customers will make when having trouble with their heating and air-conditioning systems for their Philadelphia home.

HVAC mechanical skills and knowledge

While it is true that mechanical knowledge can be taught; it is also true that takes a mechanical mindset to be understood. You either have it or you don’t; technical schools and training courses can teach the HVAC service technician all of the proper components and locations; however, it takes that mechanical mindset to understand how it all works together.

Daniels HVAC has employed many apprentice HVAC service technicians over the years that could give you a list of all the components out of the textbook but did not understand the process well enough to be able to diagnose the mechanical systems. If you are considering being a successful HVAC service technician in Philadelphia, having this mechanical mindset will be a key component for longevity in this industry.

HVAC Time management skills

A good HVAC service technician in Philadelphia will be able to effectively manage their schedule to be best productive for their employer and for their customers. Showing up on time has high marks to many customers and employers; identifying respect, but it goes further than that. Because Philadelphia is a constantly changing, diverse and growing city; a successful HVAC company may find themselves with dozens of work-orders to complete within a certain amount of time. Being able to balance your time correctly, making sure that these jobs get done in a timely fashion; will be paramount to ensure success.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

HVAC Contractor checking pipes - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaHVAC Education, Licenses and Certifications

While on-the-job training in a position of an apprentice is a requirement for a properly trained HVAC service technician, it is important that you have the appropriate education, licenses and certifications necessary to move ahead. Many schools that offer formal accreditation can last anywhere from six months to two years providing either vocational training or in class, hands-on learning.

The City of Philadelphia takes the HVAC service industry very seriously requiring specific licenses which require examinations to be completed for the safety of the company and the residents in which the HVAC company serves. In addition to the education and license process the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also requires certain levels of certifications to be mastered for handling refrigerants. When you take the collection of education, licenses and certifications into account for a qualified HVAC service technician you can begin to see that this is a serious investment of time; not just a hobby or short-term job.

HVAC technicians require physical strength

You can say what you will… but this industry requires individuals that can handle physical challenges. It is not an uncommon day to carry 2 to 300 lbs worth of equipment and parts, up multiple flights of stairs to get to where you need to go. Many apartment complexes in the Philadelphia area do not have elevators to get to the roof; which means the stairs and brute strength are your only options.

HVAC technicians need troubleshooting skills

As previously discussed, mechanical aptitude is a necessary requirement for a successful HVAC service technician. Continuing this mindset is being able to diagnose heating and air-conditioning problems quickly. HVAC systems often don’t play by the rules, unlike automobiles which can develop repeatable characteristics; HVAC system component failure can present itself in multiple symptoms making diagnostic, at times, difficult. While mechanical mindset is helpful in thinking through the problem, experience and training all come together for successful diagnostic and troubleshooting skills.

A Jack of All Trades

Finally; it’s important to emphasize that the HVAC industry is made up of mechanical, electrical & plumbing knowledge; ALL are used with heating and air-conditioning systems in Philadelphia. It also requires a knowledge of multiple systems, brands, design principles, scientific theory and component functionality for systems ranging up to 50 years old (especially in the Philadelphia area). It is also important to be current on the latest heating and air-conditioning systems that are available that would help save your customers money and be better on the environment as well.

Daniels HVAC, serving Philadelphia for over 25 years

Looking over this article you can see why having a well-qualified heating and air-conditioning professional working with your HVAC system can sometimes be difficult. The phonebook company stays pretty busy with adding and deleting HVAC companies every year that simply can’t keep up with the demands of the industry here in Philadelphia. Daniels HVAC has set the standard for heating and air-conditioning service for the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. The knowledge and expertise that Daniels has working with all types of systems in the Philadelphia area has made him the first choice for many home and business owners, as well as property managers, that need to hire a company to get the job done right the first time… and on time. If you’re looking for a qualified and experienced HVAC company to handle your heating and air-conditioning needs, be sure to call Daniels HVAC for time-honored experience and value.

Useful Links

Learn More about Air Conditioning Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

Heat vs. Humidity – Understanding Comfort Levels in your Philadelphia Home

Pic of man shivering - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaDoes it seem like you’re always needing to adjust the thermostat in your Philadelphia home? Does one area of the home feel cool while another area feels warm? While these cool/warm zones can develop for a number of reasons, one of the most popular, yet seldom known, is from humidity. Because Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia has been serving the community for over 25 years, our careful analysis of circumstances that our customers have reported; has led us to be the area experts when it comes to properly diagnosing these cool/warm zones otherwise known as: the “comfort level”. In this article, we will look at how heat vs. humidity can affect the comfort level of your Philadelphia home.

What is humidity?

Humidity simply is: the amount of moisture that is contained in the air. Sometimes you’ll here the weather man talk about the humidity level in the ambient air outside saying that: “It’s going to be sticky outside today!” … Other times you might hear them express that the low humidity will bring about a pleasant day. Inside your home, you get to control the climate; so naturally humidity is one of those factors that will need to be controlled so that you get the best comfort level within your Philadelphia home.

How Does Humidity Effect the Comfort Level of my Philadelphia Home?

The amount of moisture in the air of your Philadelphia home helps to determine the comfort level. This is because the moisture in the air helps the air to retain the heat that is being produced by your furnace.

If the moisture level is too high (damp) it can make a room feel muggy; as you move away from the heat source this same humidity level would make your skin feel clammy and chilled. High humidity conditions can also cause a buildup of mold on different services within the home.

If the moisture level is too low, it will make the room feel cooler than it really is; making your skin feel dry. This low moisture level is more common during the winter months, as with most traditional heating systems, are designed to blow warm air throughout your Philadelphia home which will dry out the air. You will also notice this by an increase of static electricity in your clothes or even, in some cases, spontaneous nosebleeds due to extreme dry air.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

thermostat on wall - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaIs there an Ideal Humidity Comfort Level Available?

Our bodies respond best when the inside humidity level is between 40% to 50%. This reading can be taken by a hygrometer purchased from a box store retailer for as little as $10. If the humidity is too low or too high, it can significantly affect the comfort level. Being that, especially during the winter, the comfort level is often thought of as temperature differences rather than humidity; it may cause someone to continue to adjust the thermostat which can significantly effect the heating bill as well.

What Solutions are Available to Balance the Humidity in my Philadelphia Home?

Some residents in Philadelphia will try to solve the humidity problem by purchasing humidifiers and dehumidifiers, placing them strategically through the home. Depending on the size of your home and desired comfort level, this can be a very expensive process; not to mention, constantly turning one or the other on to meet the desired comfort level.

A better solution would be to contact Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia to perform a comfort level analysis. This analysis would help determine the condition of the heating system, the level of humidity based upon the temperature and the size needs of the home. This analysis may lead to a recommendation of installing a humidity unit that could be integrated into your current heating system, balancing the humidity to the 40% to 50% that is recommended.

Trust Daniels HVAC When Experience Matters

We have visited many Philadelphia residents over our 25+ years of service where other HVAC companies recommended the replacement of their heating system over the suggestion that they never felt comfortable during the winter. Instead of determining humidity levels as a possible reason for the discomfort they ended up buying a new heating system that they did not need. This is where the years of experience that Daniels HVAC has in Philadelphia really comes into play. Our high quality service goes beyond our training and plays much into the experience that we have gained by helping our many satisfied customers over the years. Being one of the most experienced HVAC companies in Philadelphia doesn’t mean that we charge more: we work hard to make sure that our prices are competitive and fair for all the services we perform.

Useful Links

Learn More about Air Conditioning Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

How to prevent frozen water pipes

water pipes - frozen pipe repair in PhiladelphiaIf you have lived in the Philadelphia area for any length of time you have discovered that frozen pipes can be a major concern. Often this problem creeps up on you while you’re sleeping, then when you go to take a shower… bam… no water. More dreadful is to find out that a burst pipe is pouring water into your kitchen, bath, basement or even attic!

Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia has responded to hundreds of frozen pipe repair calls over its 25 years of dedicated service and we’ve seen everything from a simple leak, all the way to major flood damage. With the escalating costs of insurance, this is an important topic for Philadelphia residents to consider.


Here are some useful tips on how to prevent frozen water pipes in your Philadelphia home:

Start with a Comprehensive Inspection

corroded pipe - frozen pipe repair in PhiladelphiaWith Philadelphia being a city that is always seemingly under construction we have quite a range of homes differing in age, location and building structure. Naturally older homes with older pipes are going to be more susceptible to frozen pipes than a modern home. For that reason and inspection of the exposed pipes in your Philadelphia home is a good place to start. When making your inspection, be careful as pipes can be hot and have jagged edges especially near the connections.

Look for signs of discoloration and buildup of sediments that will have a (white, green and/or black) chalky feel and appearance to them. (more likely for galvanized pipes) Take the extra time to completely track all pipes within the home, many older Philadelphia homes have water pipes that will go up and through the attic to access different parts of the home. With these pipes especially, if not properly insulated, are very susceptible to cold temperatures.

If you see any pipes that you feel may be susceptible to bursting or need to inspect pipes that are inaccessible; be sure to call Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia to assist. Our comprehensive maintenance package includes the preventative inspection of water pipes both in and outside your home.

Temperature control

If all of your water pipes are in good structural condition then temperature control is the next step to keep your water pipes from freezing. Making sure that the temperature in your home does not drop below freezing, in certain areas, naturally is the primary solution. Basements and attics that have exposed pipes (and are not traditionally heated) are two of the main areas that we see as trouble spots in the service calls that we make.

By wrapping exposed pipe in insulation and making sure that the temperature in those areas stays regulated above freezing, will be of your first and greatest benefit to prevent the pipes from freezing. Many times, to prevent these areas from getting too cold, Philadelphia residents will use space heaters to regulate the temperature: this is not a practice that is recommended by Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia.

For many basements and attics that have exposed water pipes it may be possible to redirect forced heat ductwork to stabilize the temperature in these areas. This will not make these areas as warm as the rest of your home, but will keep the temperature regulated at around 50° (the optimum temperature to keep pipes from freezing). If you are unsure about affordable and safe ways to heat the areas where the water pipes would be exposed, be sure to contact Daniels HVAC. We’ve been serving Philadelphia residents for over 25 years dealing with situations just like this. We can inspect and prevent burst water pipes by adding appropriate insulation and safe temperature control methods in the vulnerable areas of your home.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

Exterior Exposure

frozen spigot - frozen pipe repair in PhiladelphiaIt’s the little things that you never think about that usually cause the biggest problems. The main culprit for frozen pipes in your Philadelphia home comes from the outside water spigot. With this exposed metal component extruding from the outside wall it is open and accessible to the full brunt of the cold Philadelphia weather. When the cold temperatures hit, it literally works like a fuse (as pipes are good conductors of both heat and cold) bringing the cold weather into your piping system. If the spigot is directly outside of where your kitchen or bathroom plumbing is located it can have a dual effect freezing both the mainline as well as subsequent lines that are close to the frozen section.


Prevention for this particular problem can be solved for less than five dollars. Home-improvement stores carry a spigot insulator cup that can be installed in a matter of seconds. You can also elect to have Daniels HVAC install an interior shut off valve on pipes leading to outside spigots.

How to Fix a Frozen Pipe – Article coming soon!

When Experience Counts

As you can see in this article, as well as our other articles, Daniels HVAC has been faithfully serving Philadelphia for over 25 years. Our vast experience in heating, air-conditioning and plumbing goes beyond our certifications, well into a level of expertise that can only be honed through years of dedicated service on a wide variety of different systems. Locally owned and operated you can trust that we will always give the best price for the highest level of service; taking into account quality parts, manufacture warranties and our own workmanship guarantee.

Useful Links

Learn More about Heater Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

Common Heating Repairs in Philadelphia

Heater Maintenance - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaNow that we are squarely in the winter season here in Philadelphia there are several common repairs that we see for heating systems. Chances are that you will have problems with your heater at some time and if you should then Daniels HVAC is here to help. As seen in our previous articles, we like to provide useful tips and information on how to keep your HVAC system running its best as well as things to look out for that can cause more expensive repairs.

In this article were going to address a few of the more common issues that we see during the winter months here in Philadelphia.

Lack of Maintenance and Cleaning

One of the things that leads to premature failure of furnace components is the lack of maintenance and cleaning. When debris builds up in the blower fan or dust contaminants buildup within the igniter and switches it can cause these components to fail. Because most heaters (whether it be an electric furnace, gas furnace or boiler water heater heating system) are positioned in the basement they can be susceptible the dirty conditions that are often associated with the basement environment. We’ve even seen buildup in the heating system components because of clothes dryers that were not vented properly, therefore putting lent materials into the air causing a buildup on the electrical components, motors and igniters.

It is important to make sure that your heater, regardless of the type of system, is free of debris and contaminants that can cause premature component failure. If you hear the warning signs of component failure; such as a squeaky blower motor or rattling sounds, be sure to contact Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia to come out for an inspection and repair before you get left out in the cold.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

Gas Furnace Ignition Failure

Furnace repair Tech - Furnace Repair in PhiladelphiaOne of the common repairs that we find during the winter months in Philadelphia is ignition failure within a gas furnace. Because these components fire dozens of times a day, these are crucial components to the proper function of your gas furnace. Gas furnaces have a pilot light that ignites the fuel to warm the air with in the combustion chamber, this pilot light is connected to a thermocouple that regulates the gas and will shut the gas off if the pilot light becomes extinguished.

If the pilot light is not functioning then the gas furnace will not produce heat. Components that are prone to fail are the flame sensor, gas control valve and spark igniter; however, proper diagnosis will determine which one is causing the trouble or simply needs to be cleaned and adjusted.

Blower Motor Failure

There are many things that can cause blower motor failure in the electric or gas furnace inside your Philadelphia home or apartment. Often times resulting from either a lack of maintenance or age; the blower motor is the central component that takes the heated air and circulates it through a series of ducts throughout your home. Aside from an electrical short within the motor, the blower motor failure will traditionally present itself ahead of time by making noise as the bearings begin to fail or debris begins to task the unit. Daniels HVAC’s 25 years of service in the Philadelphia area has given us the experience to take care of heaters of all ages and locations. Our unique access to components allows us to repair older furnaces, rather than complete unit replacement; which can save you time and money.

Put our Experience to Work for You!

Daniels HVAC has earned its reputation as the premier heating repair service in Philadelphia. By offering outstanding service, competitive pricing with a value-added mindset we’ve been able to keep Philadelphia comfortable for over 25 years. Whether you need furnace maintenance, furnace repairs or it’s time for a new furnace; give us a call and let us put our 25 years experience to work for you!

Useful Links

Learn More about Heater Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

See what our customers are saying about our HVAC Repair Services Philadelphia – Click Here

It’s time to vent

Happy Couple - Heat repair service PhiladelphiaAn overlooked, and often under appreciated, part of your heating and air-conditioning system in Philadelphia is the heater vent. While there are many components to your average forced air heating system such as: fuel source, combustion chamber, igniters, wiring, blower, regulator, rheostat, thermostat and ductwork; the heating vent is actually the one functional piece that allows the entire system to work as designed.

As a professional HVAC company specializing in installation, repair and maintenance of all types of heating systems in the Philadelphia area; Daniels HVAC knows a thing or two about the function and proper use of the heating vents in your Philadelphia home.

Go with the flow

Heating vents that have been professionally installed by a licensed and certified HVAC company such as Daniels HVAC, which is been serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years; have been strategically placed to allow for the maximum circulation of heat for a forced air heating system. The angle of the vents and placement allows for the forced air heating system to properly distribute the heated air into each room. When properly installing heating vents in a Philadelphia home: the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, angle of the ceiling and wall configuration are taken into consideration so that it will allow for a maximum convection effect that helps to keep the room comfortable and eliminate cool zones.

What are Cool Zones?

Cold Man - Heat repair service PhiladelphiaCool zones can be created when the heating vents have not been properly positioned in the original installation, have been damaged, closed, blocked or redirected. Part of a heating system evaluation performed by Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia would be determining whether any of these conditions exist for the proper direction of forced heated air into the room.

Sometimes the elimination of cool zones is just a matter of properly directing the airflow to meet the needs of the room. Often times when a room addition or structure manipulation, such as moving a wall, is performed by a general contractor they fail to consults a properly licensed, trained and certified HVAC company as to the necessary changes that may be needed for the HVAC system to function as designed.

As a results the original design and placement of the heating vents does not properly provide comfort to the entire room, developing cool zones. If you have recently had any home improvements that have change the overall structure of a room, be sure to have Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia perform a heating system evaluation to help provide cost-saving solutions and provide comfort throughout each room of your home.

Daniels HVAC has been Serving the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. Call today to see the difference experience can make! (267) 971-3639

Keep your heating vents clean and clear

Cleaning Heater Vents - Heat repair service PhiladelphiaMany times the proper use of the heating vent is not considered when placing furniture within the Philadelphia home. Many are more looking for the aesthetics of the room rather than the appropriate flow of heated air. When furniture is placed on top of the heating vents it can significantly change the dynamic of the room allowing it not to be properly heated, additionally increasing your monthly bill because your heating system would have to work harder to maintain the same comfort level. Because many of the heating vents are positioned based upon the principles of convection heating, when furniture is placed, blocks the heating vents, naturally the cycle is broken.

Heating vents can, and do; collect dust, dirt and debris that can build up over a period of time. While independent filters are available for heating vents; the best solution is to remove and clean the heating vents at least twice a year. Because some heating vents are mounted beyond the reach of a standard stepladder, be sure to contact a professional HVAC service or handyman service to safely remove those vents for cleaning and reinstallation.

If the heating vent is damaged to where it is not properly directing the forced air heat to go where it was designed; be sure to replace it with the exact same vent. Changing to a different style vent or decorative vent will naturally change the heating properties that the room was designed to promote.

When experience counts

Daniels HVAC has been providing quality heating and air-conditioning services to the Philadelphia area for over 25 years. As a licensed, trained and certified HVAC specialist, Daniels HVAC has set the standard for quality workmanship and trust in the Philadelphia community. Because of the vast experience that Daniels HVAC has in the Philadelphia area for such a wide variety of heating systems they have become the first choice when diagnostic analysis is needed for heating systems. Whether it is determining and eliminating cool zones or electrical system failure and heat exchange concerns; Daniels vast experience allows him to easily make a determination using state-of-the-art equipment and unmatched expertise to find solutions quickly and accurately. When it comes to diagnostic evaluations, be sure to trust experience over price; many franchise companies send in undertrained day laborers with little experience charging an hourly rate to diagnose different HVAC problems… essentially training on your dime. Be sure to trust Daniels HVAC in Philadelphia and their unmatched 25+ years of experience for all of your heating and air-conditioning needs.

Useful Links

Learn More about Heater Repair Services offered By Daniels HVAC Philadelphia – Click Here

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Choosing the right HVAC repair company, few tips to consider

Choosing the right HVAC repair company, few tips to consider

exhaust fan vetilationThere are a few things that are needed to be mindful of when it comes to selecting the right HVAC repair company. Turning to an HVAC company you can trust is one of the very first thing, it is after this that you can start thinking of building a rapport in order to facilitate understanding. It is pertinent to note that the benefits enjoyed from your HVAC Repair Company is far beyond repair, you also stand to enjoy other benefits like assistance, personalized advice and long-term savings on home comfort. You need to know whether the company deals with the right kind of equipment, will help you upgrade the equipment when necessary and will give you regular maintenance. Choosing the right company can make a vast difference to the working condition of your system and safe you a lot of stress and money. Highlighted below are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing the right HVAC repair company:

Start with Information and References

One of the best ways to go is to do a thorough investigation about the company. Talk to colleagues, friends and neighbors about the company they are using. Check online for information about the company and visit local bulletin boards, just make sure you are fully equipped with the right kind of information before you choose the right HVAC repair company for yourself. 

Be Aware of their Range of Services

chimney liner systemIt is better to go for HVAC Repair Company that provides both general and specialized repair services like ventilation. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, they are well equipped to provide affordable solution in ventilation in a shortest time frame. They know how to solve problems regarding your HVAC and they have the expertise to do it safely, quickly and professionally. You will be sure of getting preventive maintenance tune-up, dryer ducts through the wall installation, stove exhaust fan and ventilation installation and extensive furnace or AC repairs also chimney liner to vent the exhaust. They will deliver the exact service needed by you with high quality level. They will be able to keep records of your HVAC system, such as repair history so as to help in making the right decisions as far as HVAC service is concerned.

Consider Value and Price

Going for low priced HVAC Repair Company may be better, but there is need to also check the value of what they offer. Cost-effectiveness alone cannot guarantee satisfaction. There is need to think about value and not only price. So, you may need to make sure that the value added to your HVAC is worth paying for bearing in mind the fact that HVAC systems are very complex systems.

Think about the Brand

dryer duct Choose an HVAC repair company with proven expertise in handling your brand of equipment. You can ascertain this by visiting their website. Such a company should be able to offer professional technicians in handling your type of equipment like chimney liner, dryer ducts, stove exhaust fan.

Compare Prices

This is one of the best ways to choose the right HVAC repair company. Get multiple price quotes for you to be able to compare details. With this, you will be able to choose the company that will offer you all-inclusive range of services.

Think about Availability

Do not forget that some cooling and heating emergencies need instant attention. You must choose a company that will be available 24/7 to offer the exact expert service that you need. This will help eliminate any form of stress linked with heating and cooling breakdowns.

Choosing the right HVAC repair company is very possible when you keep these tips in mind. Do not forget that the right support system will optimize the performance of your equipment. With Us, you are sure of getting the best personnel, equipment and services. Contact us today at and call us now 267-971-3639 for all of your cooling and heating & ventilation needs.

Central Heating repair

Central Heating repair

man installing ventilation duckYour heating appliances and systems are no different from the expensive cars you purchase. They all need regular repairs and maintenance to keep them running at maximum efficiency for as long as possible. Therefore, you require central heating repair services such as artistry that can install and repair your systems with real profession and precision. An experienced technician will quickly isolate and fix any problem affecting your central heating systems such as heat pumps, furnace or heaters. However, the problem may be so significant that repairing it may cost the same as acquiring a new one.  Therefore, before embarking on repairs, you should determine whether it is cheaper to repair or replace it.

Machines will always develop several faults during usage. Central Heating repairs recommend that you look out for the following indicators of faulty machinery:

  • System failure

It is certainly obvious that your system requires repairs if it stops working altogether.

  • Rise in fuel expenditure

if your heater or boiler is consuming too much fuel, then it needs some check up to ascertain if the increase in fuel consumption is as a result of faultiness.

  • Slow heating

If your furnace machine is taking longer than usual to warm up your house, this is an indicator that it needs repairs to increase its efficiency and improve the total output.  The decrease in efficiency could be because of leakage in the system.

It is not every time that your central heating system fails that you have to call a heating service/repair company. Some of these problems are so minor that you can fix them on your own.  Below are some tips to follow when carrying out a heating system repair.

1  Replace the filter every 30 days

 If the suddenly stopped working, the most likely fault is a dirty filter. You see a dirty filter could trigger system shut down because of overheating. How are Furnaces structured? In such a way that if the system overheats, it runs for only 5-10 minutes before going into safe mode. Therefore, replace its filter and reset the whole system by unplugging and plugging into a power source. Wait for 3-5 minutes before turning on the thermostat.

2  Check the pilot

 If you have an old heater, it is necessary to keep checking the pilot. Why do you wonder? Explosion! If the pilot does not stay on the gas, it could cause an explosion or a fire hazard. Contacting a heating system repair company is always the wiser option!  

3  Check the control board light

The new and improved furnaces have light indicators on their control boards that indicate the presence of any fault or persisting problem.

4  Ensure there is enough gas

It is simple; the furnace cannot function without gas. Therefore, check if enough gas is flowing to the heater.

5  Check the power

Check if both power breaker and transformer are still functional. This way, you can ascertain if power is flowing to the thermostat. 

Remember to seek professional aid for your entire heating system repair before it’s too late. We are here for you 24/7

Heating repair tips

Heating repair tips

diagnostic testing heater circuit broadYour heating repair appliances and systems are no different from the expensive cars you purchase. They all need regular repairs and maintenance to keep them running at maximum efficiency for as long as possible. Therefore, you require heating system repair services such as artistry that can install and repair your systems with real profession and precision. An experienced technician will quickly isolate and fix any problem affecting your heating systems such as heat pumps, furnaces, or heaters. However, the problem may be so significant that repairing it may cost the same as acquiring a new one.  Therefore, before embarking on heating repairs, you should determine whether it is cheaper to repair or replace it.

Machines will always develop several faults during usage. Heating repairs recommend that you look out for the following indicators of faulty machinery:

  • System failure

It is certainly obvious that your system requires repairs if it stops working altogether.

  • Rise in fuel expenditure

if your heater or boiler is consuming too much fuel, then it needs some check up to ascertain if the increase in fuel consumption is as a result of faultiness.

  • Slow heating

If your furnace machine is taking longer than usual to warm up your house, this is an indicator that it needs repairs to increase its efficiency and improve the total output.  The decrease in efficiency could be because of leakage in the system.

It is not every time that your heating system fails that you have to call a heating repair and service company. Some of these problems are so minor that you can fix them on your own.  Below are some tips to follow when carrying out a heating repair.

1 Replace the filter

 If the suddenly stopped working, the most likely fault is a dirty filter. You see a dirty filter could trigger system shut down because of overheating. How are Furnaces structured? In such a way that if the system overheats, it runs for only 3-5 minutes before going into safe mode. Therefore, replace its filter and reset the whole system by unplugging and plugging into a power source. Wait for 3-5 minutes before turning on the thermostat.

2  Check the pilot

 If you have an old heater, it is necessary to keep checking the pilot. Why do you wonder? Explosion! If the pilot does not stay on the gas, it could cause an explosion or a fire hazard. Contacting a heating system repair company is always the wiser option!  

3  Check the control board light

The new and improved furnaces have light indicators on their control boards that indicate the presence of any fault or persisting problem.

4  Ensure there is enough gas

It is simple; the furnace cannot function without gas. Therefore, check if enough gas is flowing to the heater.

5  Check the power

Check if both power breaker and transformer are still functional. This way, you can ascertain if power is flowing to the thermostat

Remember to seek professional aid for your entire heating system repair before it’s too late. We are here for you 24/7